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Annotation Associated Layer

05-16-2024 09:05 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
New Contributor II

My personal feeling is a annotation/label features doesn't have a meaning without getting associated with geographic/cartographic features like line/Point/Polygon. ArcMap has this option of associating annotation with geographic feature. I requested ESRI technical service multiple times if they can enhance this option in ArcGIS Pro. I was told this not going to happen. They came up with grouping of both layers. This doesn't work because the annotation layer will be not appear if there is another polygon layer with symbology on top of this group. Please click kudos if you think what I said is correct.

Basic cartography has the features Point, Line & Polygon. These features are given symbology and a legend is displayed for clear understanding of the map. The next level is labelling of these features to identity them like Baptist Church/Hwy 99/Sam Houston State Park etc. A layman who doesn't know GIS but works on field using maps will understand.