Allow removal of "Sum_" header addition when summarizing data

01-14-2015 03:47 PM
Status: Implemented
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

When you join two shapefiles on spaitial location and summarize (ie, add all points within a polygon) it automatically adds "Sum_" or "Count_" to the start of your field header.  So what was once a meaninful Cenusus header B01001_1 becomes "Sum_B01001".  Making it very difficult to retain what the field originally was.

Users should be able to elect if they and the "Sum_" added to the start of their field headers.

1 Comment
Status changed to: Implemented

The Spatial Join field map parameter allows for the control of output field names. So you can summarize all of the point attributes into a polygon, and give the field whatever name of your choice. Learn more about the field map in Spatial Join here: