Allow Geocoding Properties to be Set in Geocode Address GP Tool

05-10-2012 12:18 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
New Contributor III
If you right-click a table of addresses and selected Geocode Addresses, the dialog that appears has a button that opens another dialog, one that has the geocoding properties of the selected locator. You can adjust these properties and geocode the addresses. This doesn't permanently change the properties of the locator - the settings are left as before.

There is no way to make the same adjustment through the geoprocessing Geocode Addresses tool. There should be. Geocoding properites should be settable on that tool, just as they are when right-clicking a table.
1 Comment

This idea is only 3 years old please provide the options to set all locator properties AT TIME OF CREATION. Having users expect to know or compare all properties to existing locators (especially in Geocode services) is not reliable or a sustainable solution. 

For example in 10.x the Dual Ranges locator does not support intersection searches and requires changing the properties of the locator AFTER IT IS CREATED. 

In 9.x the option for intersections was a default so the new tools need to have these options exposed to become maintabale at an enterprise level.