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Add Raster to Geopackage Enhancement Request

05-15-2017 08:31 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Esri Contributor

The Army Geospatial Center’s Geopackage and Tiling Subject Matter Expert (SME) has requested we modify Add Raster to Geopackage in the following ways.   The enhancements would include:


  1. Changing the title or description of the NSGPROFILE Tiling Scheme option to  NSG Profile World Mercator.  This would better align the options with the NSG Geopackage Profile specification.
  2. Adding support for a “NSG Profile WGS 84 Geographic”, based on the attached XML file.  The customer indicates that the reason for the “NSG Profile WGS 84 Geographic” is due to a wider-variety of Army Programs of Record (POR) support WGS84 out of the box as opposed to World Mercator.