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Add ability to Export to KML to 'Export to KML' tool

08-24-2022 08:41 AM
Status: Implemented
Labels (1)
Regular Contributor

Create and add the ability to export to a KML file using the 'Export to KML' tool. 

Currently, the only output option for the tool is KMZ. There are many applications, websites, and tools that require a KML-only upload. The current workaround for us is to open the KMZ in Google Earth and export it to a KML from there. This is confusing, requires additional software, and creates extra steps outside of the ESRI ecosystem.

A checkboox for 'Export to KML' or the option to add KML as a file extension in line with ESRI's other tools would really streamline our processes and reduce complexity for our field users.

Thanks for your consideration.

Status changed to: In Product Plan

Who hoo! Thanks!


@DWR_BuckEhler we are working on this in development now. Exporting to kml vs. kmz will be driven by the provided extension on the output file parameter. 

In testing we continue to see more limitations of basic KML. All point features become pins regardless of input layer symbology (kml points/placemarks don't support embedded PointStyle without additional resources included in a kmz archive), only basic symbology is supported for line and polygon layers. If a symbol has multiple layers only one of the layers will be added to the kml as the format does not support multi-layered LineStyle or PolyStyle. Attachments from the input layer cannot be included. Raster layer input will not be supported since kml itself is feature-geometry only, ground overlay rasters require storage in the kmz archive. And advanced behaviors and styles in labels are not supported unless output to kmz, since the kml file itself cannot store style sheets (they are another resource inside KMZ archive). 

With all these conditions, it will still be possible to generate the basic kml using Layer To KML in the near term (next 1 or 2 releases).


Thanks, @DrewFlater. Sounds great.

For what it is worth, symbolization and customization for use in Google Earth are not a concern for anything we have done in the last 4 years or so. KML is just a very common format for uploading spatial data to other systems and we are primarily exporting KMLs from ArcPro just to upload them to another system. Basic KML is perfect for our use cases.

Status changed to: Implemented

This Idea has been implemented in ArcGIS Pro 3.1. Please see the What's New documentation for more new features in Pro 3.1.

The Ideas in ArcGIS Pro 3.1 blog will be wrapped up soon, highlighting all Ideas implemented in this release, including this one. Once complete, I will add the link to this comment. 


Sometimes I would like to generate some KML files from ArcGIS Pro, but I find we can only generate KMZ files. KML files include more information when I edit a "description" field in some features, through HTML language I can include tables that I can watch in google earth when I pick entities, I can do this with QGIS but using ArcGIS Pro I haven't found the way.



ESRI is being very stubborn about KMZ vs KML & has dug in their heels. You can read some back & forth about this in this thread.


The Layer to KML geoprocessing tool was enhanced in ArcGIS Pro 3.1 to include the option to export the layer to a KML directly by providing the .kml file extension.  Is this the type of functionality you are looking for?

Layer to KML - ArcGIS Pro documentation 


@Zameskalo  @SteveCole the new idea you submitted and commented on has been merged with this existing idea, and like @SSWoodward points out it was implemented in ArcGIS Pro 3.1.