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Ability to pass variables created in a Task to Geoprocessing Tool parameter

09-03-2019 05:40 PM
Status: In Product Plan
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Frequent Contributor

The Tasks in ArcGIS Pro 2.4.1 are a great concept for putting together various workflows into a singular workflow and the ability to run custom Geoprocessing Tools within the Tasks is a great bonus. The ability to create and pass variables throughout the Task steps makes many process simple: like the ability to calculate a field with a value created in an earlier step. This kind of functionality would be great if you could also do this with a Geoprocessing Tool that accepts parameters. This kind of functionality would simplify and optimize a lot of different workflows that currently rely on manual input of parameters from my users, as I could eliminate the human entry/error portion of the workflow and automate data entry and updates. Please consider this for future updates. Thanks.

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Status changed to: In Product Plan

We know many Geoprocessing tools have derived outputs (new feature class, new feature layer) that can be consumed in a subsequent step (but might not exist during the task design time).




Has this functionality been implemented or is it still in the planning phase?




It has been implemented partially but is not yet exposed on the UI.

We cannot provide a timeline when this will be implemented 😞


I agree,

the ability to get a task variable created earlier in the task, as a geoprocessing input parameter would be a game changer for tasks, improving the workflow and capabilities of the tool.