ArcGIS Pro Roadmap - November 2024

11-13-2024 03:52 PM

ArcGIS Pro Roadmap - November 2024

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 was released on November 7, 2024. For information on the latest updates, please see the ArcGIS Pro 3.4 Release Notes.

Our goal is to build the best GIS software available. This ArcGIS Pro Roadmap* gives you a sneak peek of what we're focusing on for the near-, mid- and long-term of ArcGIS Pro development. This gives our current estimate of when each capability will be released. New capabilities will be made available for testing through the Early Adopter Community prior to a release. We'll revise the roadmap throughout the year to ensure it reflects the latest information.

What would you like to see next in ArcGIS Pro? Share your ideas in the ArcGIS Pro Idea Exchange. 

* Capabilities on this roadmap are tentative and subject to change, delay, or cancellation. The continued development or release of a capability is at the sole discretion of Esri.

ArcGIS Pro Roadmap - November 2024ArcGIS Pro Roadmap - November 2024


Near-Term (next release or two)

Spatial Filters for Feature Layers - Use spatial filtering in feature layer definition queries.

Layer & Feature Effects - Apply visual effects such as blur and drop shadow to layers or a subset of features for emphasis.

Customize Layer Visibility per Map Frame - Support overriding the map's visible layers in a layout map frame. This allows multiple layouts to show different data layers while pointing to a single map.

Display Using Map Time Zone - Display all date-time values in the time zone of the map, even when the data is stored in different time zones.

Connect to NoSQL Databases - Connect directly to OpenSearch databases to query, visualize and analyze data in ArcGIS Pro.

Share Web Layers from NoSQL Databases - Share data from ElasticSearch and OpenSearch databases to ArcGIS Enterprise as web layers.

Portal Projects for ArcGIS Pro - Use your Portal to share projects, collaborate and work more effectively with others in your organization.

Unified Metadata Editor - A new metadata editor will be incorporated, providing a unified experience across ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Enterprise, and ArcGIS Pro. The editor will provide a simplified interface for essential metadata and a completeness score for required elements.

Suitability Modeler: Comparison - The Suitability Modeler Compare functionality and user experience allows the user to compare a set of similar models. The user can compare two models or analyze a series of models relative to each other to explore where they are similar and where they differ to determine the best model.

Parcel Fabric COGO Reader - Use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to extract measurements from metes-and-bounds legal descriptions.

Space-Time Cube Visualization - ArcGIS Pro will introduce advanced capabilities for visualizing and interacting with space-time cubes in 3D, elevating spatio-temporal data analysis. You will be able to configure extents, slice and dice cubes to reveal patterns, and view analytical results with meaningful symbology and pop-ups, making spatio-temporal data visualization more accessible and insightful.

Time-to-Event Prediction - The new Time-to-Event (Survival Analysis) prediction tool will estimate the time until an event occurs based on explanatory variables. This tool is applicable across industries (including but not limited to) from infrastructure management (predicting when a pipe might fail) to business (estimating customer retention time) and environmental studies (assessing endangered species survival based on environmental factors). Time-to-event analysis will empower timely decision-making by uncovering patterns in data.

Calculate Composite Index Support in Attribute Uncertainty - The assess attribute uncertainty tool in ArcGIS Pro will support calculating composite index. This feature will aid in understanding the sensitivity of the composite index to uncertainty in attributes which is an important metric for making decisions based on composite indices.

Spatial Autoregressive Models - Spatial Autoregressive Models are foundational and inherently spatial methods that can detect spatial dependence and explicitly model spatial relations, identifying spatial clustering, spillovers, or diffusion processes. Models like spatial error and spatial lag will be added in ArcGIS Pro along with statistical tests for model selection.

Residential Waste Collection Solver - A new Vehicle Routing Problem solver to support the residential waste pickup workflow. This new solver will allow for a high density of order locations so every house on the street could be visited and the street edges routed in an efficient manner. This solver will also support business constraints such as capacity of the vehicles, following driver time regulations, and emptying the vehicle mid-route and before the return to the depot at the end of the day.

Mid-term (next two or three releases)

AI Assistants - ArcGIS Pro users get support from AI assistants to increase productivity in several areas. The help assistant answers questions in natural language referencing documentation while other focused assistants will aid in writing queries and planning GIS workflows.  

OneDrive Support - Support storage of ArcGIS Pro files and data in OneDrive.

Street Name Index for Layouts - A new layout element to show where street names, or other features are located within a map grid or across map series pages. Various options for formatting the text will be available. 

Dispersed Points Visualization - Dynamically disperse overlapping point features when drawing feature layers.

Support for Attribute Editing Forms - The first phase of this project will provide support in ArcGIS Pro to use attribute editing forms created in other ArcGIS applications (Map Viewer and Field Maps Designer). The second phase will provide support for building and configuring forms from ArcGIS Pro.

Edit Templates in the Database - Ability to store edit templates authored in ArcGIS Pro in a database and use within ArcGIS Pro, or outside of ArcGIS Pro through a Feature Service.  

Reading Alignments from IFC - Building Smart International is actively working on expanding the IFC standard to include more infrastructure support, including things like rail, tunnels, and roadways.  To address the anticipated needs, this project builds on our current capabilities to read 3D elements from IFC to include alignments and other linear elements as part of our BIM model support.

Timeline View - Visualize your data along a temporal axis. Timelines complement the spatial view of data on the map by showing where in time it falls. By plotting your data along a timeline, you can understand the temporal order of your data and discern temporal trends that emerge.

Improved Predictive Workflow Support - New tools will enhance data preparation and validation for predictive analysis, including tools for handling training/validation splits, over- and under-sampling, and cross-validation setup. Validation tools will provide additional metrics, such as K-fold cross-validation, to better assess model quality, increasing confidence in predictive insights.

Point Cloud Scene Layer Data Management - Add, Delete, Change very large point cloud services based on reference data sources.

Roof Editing in Stereo - Tools specifically designed to create and edit pitches, ridge lines, gables and other roof specific features.  

Materials Authoring - Author properties to support reflectivity, roughness and other properties for more photo-realistic visualizations in 3D scenes.

Oriented Imagery: Inspection Workflow and AI Integration - Inspection workflows added to ArcGIS Pro to enable collection of features in image space as part of inspection workflows. Tight integration with ArcGIS Image Analyst Extension based AI workflows for creating training data, training models and inferencing. Integration with pre-trained models such as face blurring, car number plate blurring as well as a range of feature extraction such as road signs. Users will be able to drive to a collection of images, features or labels to collect or review attributes.

Mesh Segmentation Models - Mesh Segmentation will provide the ability to train and use deep learning models for identifying parts of a 3D mesh as objects such as trees, buildings or roofs.

IPS Emulator - Integrate an option to emulate the IPS engine available in Maps SDK directly within ArcGIS Pro. This will serve for quality assessment and parameter tuning to achieve better blue dot performance.

Aviation Terminal Charts - Terminal Charts are aeronautical charts used for navigation under Visual Flight Rules (VFR) that display the areas and airspaces surrounding airports.

Long-term (in the plan but not assigned to a release at this point)

Share ArcGIS Pro Model - Author a ModelBuilder model in ArcGIS Pro and share it as an item to ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise. You will be able to view and run the model from a browser. You will also be able to download, view and run the model in ArcGIS Pro projects.

Sensitivity Analysis - The Assess Sensitivity toolbox in ArcGIS Pro will expand to include tools that assess sensitivity to various uncertainties, including location, aggregation, and model parameters. Incorporating sensitivity analysis into workflows is essential for producing ethical, reliable, and repeatable results, ultimately fostering trust in analytical findings.

Terrain Editing - Ability to interactively edit the ground or other surfaces.  Add, remove and replace data referenced by the surface.

High Fidelity Rendering - A series of display improvements to support more photo-realistic 3D scene visualizations.

3D Mesh as Ground - The ability to use integrated mesh or TIN information as a true triangulated ground surface that would be more precise than raster surfaces and allow structures such as tunnels and mines.

Integrated Mesh Scene Layer Data Management - Add, Delete, Change very large integrated mesh services based on SLPK.

Cloud Drive Support - Support storage of ArcGIS Pro files and data in common cloud drives in addition to OneDrive.

Oriented Imagery: Live Video Superposition - Superposition of live video streams onto surfaces of objects (flashlight mode) enabling live representation of scenes from multiple image sources.

Infrastructure-less IPS - ArcGIS IPS will not rely on the installation of dedicated hardware.

MVP Esteemed Contributor

On the technical side, when will python migrate to 12 or 13? and in keeping with the major changes in numpy, when can numpy 2.x be expected?

Esri Regular Contributor

@DanPatterson Our current release cadence is to retain a version of Python for three releases and to track odd releases, so you should expect an upgrade to 3.13 in the mid-term.

MVP Esteemed Contributor

Thanks Shaun

New Explorer

How can i install "ArcGIS Pro AI Assistant 3.4 (beta)"? I mean where can i get the setup? The AI modules installed with ArcGIS Pro are "Semantic Search" and "Tools Suggestios? What i am looking for is "Query Layer"Capture.JPG




So i am stuck at Point No. and Point No. 3. But first is Point No. 2 that where to look for this setup in order to install it?

Esri Contributor

@SaadButt1 , the documentation you found is for a beta program. We haven't added beta-program doc like this into production ArcGIS Pro doc before, but we tried it for the Beta Pro AI Assistants program. Unfortunately, the beta doc has proven to be a source of confusion for several readers, so we have decided to remove it. It will be removed in the second week of January, 2025. The beta doc will be provided to Early Adopter Community participants as PDFs instead.

Version history
Last update:
‎11-13-2024 03:52 PM
Updated by: