I have been trying to install the Gas and Pipeline Referencing Utility Network Foundation version 2.2, but I keep receiving the message the it fails. Is there a way to directly download the zip file with out this "deploy" process.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hi Christian,
If Ayan's suggestion does not work. Please let me know via email and I can send you the zip file directly. You can email me at: tdewitte@esri.com.
Tom DeWitte
Esri Technical Lead - Natural Gas and District Energy
@Cristian_Galindo Please sign in to your ArcGIS Online account in the browser. With this active session, proceed to deploy the solution; the package will get deployed to your ArcGIS Online contents.
Hello @AyanPalit, let me show you the process I am doing:
As you can see in the following image, I am already logged in:
When I select the solution, I have the option enable, moreover there is no sign that i do not have permission to deploy it (I tried with another less powerful account I have).:
In my solutions, you will notice that I already made the deployment of the similar solutions (1) and even yesterday was able to deploy the Pipeline Referencing Foundation (2). The deployment of the Gas and Pipeline Referencing Utililty Network Foundation starts (3):
It reaches the 69% of the deployment process:
Then, as can be seen, the original 3 solutions remain deployed, but the new one failed to deploy with no more information:
The one already deployed from March 14, 2022 is the version 2.1.....I would like to have the version 2.2
Any hint ???
Looks like you are doing everything right. I have deployed the solution using the same process. Please try the following:
Did not work., I tried both first and second option. no lick.
Hi Christian,
If Ayan's suggestion does not work. Please let me know via email and I can send you the zip file directly. You can email me at: tdewitte@esri.com.
Tom DeWitte
Esri Technical Lead - Natural Gas and District Energy
Hi Tom ,
I encounter same issue while deploying Gas and Pipeline Reference Utility Network
So... I am not the only one
Hi @Cristian_Galindo, could you also reach out to Customer Support to troubleshoot this issue? Unfortunately, when I deploy the solution in 4 different Online orgs, it is always successful. It sounds like it may be something specific to your user and/or Online organization and I would like Customer Support to troubleshoot.
Have you tried deploying with a different username in your organization to see if it is tied to your username, or is an issue with your Online organization? If customer support is unable to resolve, I can send you the package via email, just let me know.
@AparnaSunki - I'm sorry you are having problems deploying the solution. I have not seen this error before, and I am not able to troubleshoot the issue because I am not experiencing the error and I have tried in several different ArcGIS Online organizations.
Could you reach out to Customer Support so that they can troubleshoot this issue and determine if this is something specific to your ArcGIS Online organization, or something more persistent?