We use a lot of tools/scripts to calculate values within the ArcPro/Parcel Fabric Branched Version Environment (when it makes sense not to use tasks or calc attribute rules). I am testing Version 3.0+ and have run into the following problem and am hoping that I may doing something wrong. After a lot of testing I have created the following simple script that that illustrates the problem. (This all works fine in 2.94 and in a standard GeoDatabase). We do not use SDE for editing.
Start State: Within Branched Version (GISADMIN.T67_9c_Test200Anno4) , Anno0200Scale feature class with Field (MapNumber) with value set to '6.3.8C').
Proposed Process: Select OBJECTID = 7695 and Calc the value for MapNumber to be "XXXX" . I have tested this using arcpy.da.Editor using UpdateCursor with the Source being:
https://giscarts.co.polk.or.us/server/rest/services/PF/Parcel_Fabric_3/FeatureServer;VERSION=GISADMI... which I calculate from the datasource of the Anno0200Scale feature class (after I removed the feature class name from the datasource text string).
I have tested this without using the arcpy.da.Editor with da.UpdateCursor. I have also tested this with a simple CalculateField both using the arcpy.da.editor and not using it.
Problem: I always get the same result. NOTHING HAPPENS unless I close the ArcPro session and reopen it. Then I can see the change. Using refresh screen / Change Version tool etc... None of it works. Its like the edit did not happen until I close the session and then go back in. My hope is that I am doing something wrong and somebody can help me out. Below is the script (again this is not production just a test). - it is also attached as a txt file. Finally, within a simple edit session I can interactively select features and calculate attributes, see the results with no problem.
import arcpy, os
# 1. Get parameter values
AnnoLayer = 'Anno0200Scale'
#2. Set Map Layers and default paths
thisProject = arcpy.mp.ArcGISProject("CURRENT")
Map = thisProject.activeMap
AnnoLyr = Map.listLayers(AnnoLayer)[0]
FolderPath = thisProject.homeFolder
arcpy.AddMessage ("Map: " + Map.name)
arcpy.AddMessage (AnnoLyr.dataSource)
datasource = AnnoLyr.dataSource
lastslash = datasource.rfind("/")
workspace = datasource[:lastslash]
MapNumber = 'XXXX'
# do edit session (Comment it out if you do not want to use it
edit = arcpy.da.Editor(workspace)
edit.startEditing(with_undo=False, multiuser_mode=True)
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(AnnoLyr, ["MapNumber"],"OBJECTID = 7695") as cursor:
for row in cursor:
row[0] = MapNumber
Hello @DeanAnderson2
This looks to me like:
My Advice:
Hi Dean,
It would be nice if the Pro Mapping module had a refresh method for a current map or view object. This would make a great enhancement request.
We can hack a workaround using a selection and panning to the selection. I see in your UpdateCursor you are updating a specific feature. By using that feature's objectid, we can select it then pan to it. That should redraw the layers and show the edit.
# also get a map 'view' from the project
view = thisProject.activeView
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(AnnoLyr, ["MapNumber"], "OBJECTID = 7695") as cursor:
for row in cursor:
row[0] = MapNumber
# select the edited feature then pan to it
AnnoLyr.setSelectionSet([7695], "NEW")
view.panToExtent(view.getLayerExtent(AnnoLyr), selection_only=True)
Let me know if that helps.