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Cadastral XML replacement in ArcGIS Pro?

01-06-2021 05:59 AM
Frequent Contributor

Good day,

Currently in ArcMap, we are using the CadastralXML format to create our parcels in the Parcel Fabric.
We are using the "Extended Attributes" to attribute our lines and parcels all at once. We are also making extensive use of the "Attribute Assistant" to help in our processes.
Is there a similar process to import and create parcels all in one step with properly attributed lines and parcels in ArcGIS Pro? Something like a "batch import" with proper attributes?

We are currently receiving our parcel data from the surveyors in CAD format on specific layers. I am trying to conceive how we are going to import that data in the Parcel Fabric in ArcGIS Pro with minimal intervention from our editors.

Thank you,

3 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Pascal,

The Cadastral XML format is no longer supported and failed to get widely adopted.

Instead, we are using the superior format of a file geodatabase to exchange data as well as all of the other supported formats in ArcGIS Pro (dwg, dgn, kml...) and ArcGIS Enterprise (WFS, JSON...).

You can create features using python, js or .Net depending on the preferred workflow and skills.

Attribute Assistant is replaced by Attribute Rules that work on all ArcGIS clients and have many other advantages.

There are many advantages to the new parcel fabric information model and you extend the schema of each parcel type as you need to based on your needs with greater ease. 

Converting CAD to simple features is also easier and there is no need to first convert to cadastral XML.

Why we got rid of Cadastral XML (A few reasons):

  1. Low adoption rates in the industry
  2. Cannot scale to support large amount of data or parcels with huge geometries
  3. Does not preserve geodatabase relationships, topology rules, attribute rules etc.
  4. Hard to view in its native format
  5. Waste of resources to maintain
  6. Only works on the desktop client
  7. XML is not very efficient to use over web services
  8. Who needs files when you can access the real data using web services in real-time?!
  9. ...


Why is a File Geodatabase or a Mobile Geodatabase a better format to exchange data?

  1. Support relationships
  2. Support domains
  3. Support attribute rules
  4. Uses the exact same schema - nothing is lost
  5. Can use any tool, SDK, Python, API to write to this common format
  6. Continues to evolve over time
  7. Scalable - can store millions of parcels
  8. Content is viewable instantly without any ETL
  9. Support spatial references
  10. Supports true curves, spirals, natural boundaries,...
  11. Can be compressed
  12. Has a spatial index
  13. Support topology
  14. ...




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New Contributor

Hello @AmirBar-Maor what are the suggestions from ESRI when the data is being supplied by external organizations in Cadastral XML format to be able to convert it for use in ArcGIS Pro?  Is there a Data Model template that could be used to map attributes from CE XML to a format able to be used by ArcGIS Pro and the parcel fabric editor?

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Esri Regular Contributor


If there is a 'one time' need to consume ArcMap Cadastral XML files I would recommend to consume it into an ArcMap Parcel Fabric and then upgrade the parcel fabric to the new (ArcGIS Pro) format.

If you are thinking long-term, you can consider:

  1. Instruct the external sources to stop using Cadastral XML and provide the data as a parcel fabric in a file geodatabase.
  2. Write a python script (geoprocessing script tool) to process the casdastral XML into simple features in a parcel fabric and then build it. This can be done in a staging file geodatabase and then use the geoprocessing tool 'Append Parcels' to append it into a version in your production environment. Both the cadastral XML and your target information model might contain extended attributes that you would like to map / preserve.

If you have any questions we can always schedule a web meeting to get a better understanding of your information model, dataflow, and constraints.



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