ArcGIS Pro 3.1.0: What is the best practice to display the tree of a parcel lineage history particularly in case of parcels merge?
For example, in the screenshots below, parcel#888 has the following transactions:
Now as the parcel 888/1/B + 888/2 is identified, it provides different history depending on where we click.
What could be the best practice to display the tree of the history of parcel888/1/B + 888/2?
Hi Jamal
In Pro 3.2 you will be able to view a Parcel Lineage tree for parcels in the parcel fabric using the Link Chart functionlity.
when is the Pro 3.2 expected to release? Can you provide some screenshots how will the tree look like?
ArcGIS Pro 3.2 planned release date is around the end of October / beginning of November.
Here is a glimpse:
Eagerly waiting to see the enhancement in Pro 3.2!
Thank you
Not sure if this is already implemented in Pro 3.2.1
As per the screenshot below, I tried to plot the history, but the tree doesn’t appear as expected
The test data is attached
Looking at your data it looks like you forgot to create records.
Parcel 333 was created and retired by record 333.
Unless this is an interim parcel, we would expect a parcel to be created by one record, and retired later by another.
The same applies for parcel 333/1.
A normal workflow look like this:
You can see the problem if you analyze the CreatedByRecord and RetiredByRecord fields on your parcels.
The record-driven workflows are well documented.
The link chart is showing the correct results for a broken lineage.
In order to illustrate my workflow, lets assume that new parcel is added to the fabric (screenshots are added to better explain the steps)
What’s could be wrong in this workflow?
It seems you are doing a 1 to 1 relationship between parcels and records. If thats the case, your lineage will only ever show 1 parcel in a record - since that is what you are explicitly doing. 1 parcel for 1 record.
This is how I see the correct workflow:
So, in summary, parcel 129 must be assigned to its original record. Then the new record that represents the split is created and put as active in the map. The split is performed. Parcel lineage is tracked for both the records.
I hope this helps
I follow the steps below to ensure the lineage is correct: