Tool to check parcel type continuity between parcel fabrics

11-17-2021 01:46 PM
Status: Closed
Occasional Contributor III

Still working on appending my new subdivisions to my existing production parcel fabric and if I had a tool to find out if the two fabrics had continuity in the parcel types instead of having to open every single table and check manually (even though I'm 99.9999999% sure I made them identical). 


Do you mean like making sure each has subs, lots, etc? Or something related to domains?

Where are your parcel fabrics located? A local file geodatabase, or an Enterprise GDB? I have to imagine there'd be a straightforward way to accomplish this.


It's in a FGB on a network server. I haven't been able to figure out a way to do it with the existing tools and I've been hammering away at this all afternoon.


What about exporting the schema XML? It would still require a separate step to parse the XML and compare schemas, but once you've got a text-based format, you could probably extract everything else you need via regular expressions or something. Still, an "in-house" tool would be best.


I am going to work on this and report back. I wasn't aware of that tool, thank you!


You could also try the GP tool called Table Compare. It has a "Schema Only" compare type.

Status changed to: Needs Clarification

What do you mean by "continuity in the parcel types "?


@AmirBar-Maor this is made up but close to reality:


I have one school district worth of parcels in one parcel fabric and I added a parcel type for specific easements within that school district.

I have another school district in a separate parcel fabric, and the phone rings or I have to switch tasks and fail to add that same easement type to that school district. When I go to append the parcels from one or the other, the append tool "fails successfully" in that it will append whatever it can without any indication that there is a problem with the append. 

I have to be able to diagnose some of this on my own without relying on support. 

edit: this could be an issue with the schema not matching too? I am honestly not sure since the results don't show me anything. In the past, I've used the export/append cadastral XML tools to append new parcels from a separate fabric. I start entering the new tax year subdivisions in a separate fabric well before including them in the main production fabric (strictly current tax year) so I don't get behind. 



When you use the standard Append tool you have the option to map any fields that do not match, but if you have fields in the source data that are not present on the target - the feature will be appended but their attributes will be lost:


When you use the Append Parcels Tool we assume the source and the target schemas match.

This is documented in the help documentation for the tool -



We do not recommend using multiple parcel fabrics for the same location as you run into the issue of misalignment between them. If you must edit the school districts in another geodatabase (for example - you give it to a contractor that edits it offsite), make sure the schemas match.

If you feel you have encountered a bug, or you suspect you have encountered a bug, please contact technical support. 



>We do not recommend using multiple parcel fabrics for the same location as you run into the issue of misalignment between them. If you must edit the school districts in another geodatabase (for example - you give it to a contractor that edits it offsite), make sure the schemas match.


Yeah, okay. That's why I was asking for a tool. Not everyone has a whole team of people to answer phones and handle customer support, so unfortunately mistakes get made when it's one person. I will figure this out on my own.

Status changed to: Closed

A potential bug - please contact technical support