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Import Parcel Types

11-17-2021 01:48 PM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

Tangential to a tool to check continuity between fabrics, being able to import fabric types from another fabric to a new one would cut down on set-up time.


If Copy Parcels had an option for "schema only", that would be really nice.

A decent workaround: if you run Copy Parcels with a parcel selected, it will still create a whole new parcel fabric with the entire schema, but will only copy the selected feature in, along with any associated records, lines, and points.

At left, a test parcel fabric. Upper right: copied fabric with selection. Lower right: copied fabric without selection.At left, a test parcel fabric. Upper right: copied fabric with selection. Lower right: copied fabric without selection.

So just select a single parcel, run Copy Parcels, then in the new parcel fabric, delete that single feature.



Good idea by @jcarlson .

Another option, assuming you look to copy the entire schema from one environment to another, is to export and import a 'Schema only' workspace XML that is documented here.

Step 1:




Step 2: Import it

Would this work?