I am unable to save my web map at some point after I have added these layers to the map and renamed them (see screenshot). I think it may be an issue with one of the layers, but any help is much appreciated.
USGS: Texas Streamgages Daily Stage (attached .csv)
National Weather Service Base Reflectivity Radar: https://idpgis.ncep.noaa.gov/arcgis/rest/services/NWS_Observations/radar_base_reflectivity/MapServer
National Weather Service: Climate Prediction Center-Weather Hazards:
National Weather Service: Watches Warnings Advisories:
National Weather Service: Advance Hydrologic Prediction Service:
National Weather Service: Advance Hydrologic Prediction Service:
NOAA Hurricane Center- Atlantic Feed:
Hi Paul,
Are you able to hit the save button and the changes don't save or is there no save button (this looks to be the case from the screenshot).
If the save button isn't appearing, check you permissions to ensure that you can create and save content. Also check to ensure that you aren't building in a map that has disabled the ability to save.
If you are able to hit the save button, use some web traffic monitoring tools like fiddler or developer tools in the browser (f12). look for the add item call and let us know if there is an error message in the response.
You can also contact technical support and they can help you troubleshoot the issue further.
We have a Fiddler report and a copy of the Web Map's JSON if you're interested in taking a look at either and helping us determine what might be happening here.