If you have publishing privileges and need a different view of your hosted feature layer beyond changing its style and presentation—for example, you want to apply different editing capabilities or share the data with different groups—you can create a hosted feature layer view from your hosted feature layer. A hosted feature layer view is similar to a copy of a layer but is more powerful because it allows you to control more than just how the layer is displayed. For example, you might create a hosted feature layer view when you need to support different editing capabilities for different groups of people. Many organizations need to share data with the public and simultaneously allow members within the organization to keep that data up to date. Hosted feature layer views provide a direct way to do this. When you publish your hosted feature layer, you can share it with particular members of your organization who need to edit it. Then, for the general public, you can create a hosted feature layer view that references the original hosted feature layer but with editing disabled. Because the two layers share the same data, as members edit the original hosted feature layer, the general public will see those changes immediately.
When you create a hosted feature layer view, a new feature layer item is added to My Content. Because it is a separate layer, you can change its style, filters, and sharing properties without affecting the source hosted feature layer. However, because the hosted feature layer view accesses the same data as the hosted feature layer it was created from, updates made to the data through the original hosted feature layer appear in the hosted feature layer view. Similarly, if you edit the data through the hosted feature layer view, your changes appear in the hosted feature layer. Only the owner of a hosted feature layer can create a hosted feature layer view from the original layer. This is different than copying a layer, which can be done by non-owners and even public users.