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Web Scene Popups

11-05-2017 11:18 PM
New Contributor II

Is there a reason that 3D web scenes do not allow for configurable pop ups? Perhaps I'm being ignorant, but it's a seemingly simple functionality, and I can't understand why it hasn't been added yet. I saw a similar question posted two years ago, but as far as I know nothing has been done yet. Thanks. 

11 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

This feature is on our prio list to be added to the configure layer pane.

For now though you can use these workflows

1) Add item to Map Viewer and configure the popup there and save the layer

2) From the item detail under the visualization tab you can configure the popup there and save the popup to the item

3) From Pro configure the popup for the layer and share a web scene with the configured layers.

4) Using the 4.x API to write out the popup information

New Contributor II

Thanks Russell, will give that a go

0 Kudos
Frequent Contributor

I realize this thread is dated, but is there a reason that the web scene popups at 10.7.1 don't honor attribute domains?

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Esri Notable Contributor

I can't reproduce this, can you share a sample of the dataset showing this issue?

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Frequent Contributor

I'm sorry, so you are saying - Yes, the scene viewer popup at enterprise 10.7.1 does display the attribute domain description and not the coded value?

0 Kudos
Esri Notable Contributor

Correct I am seeing the description value of the data and not the coded value for feature layer I tested against. Are you using a feature layer or map image layer?


0 Kudos
Frequent Contributor

Thanks Russ.  I am using a hosted 3D scene layer object published with an underlying feature layer.  It is the 3D scene layer object that I do not think supports coded values.  This is a large collection of building footprints, county wide, created from a roofform workflow....

0 Kudos
Frequent Contributor

Hi Russ - Unless you (or anyone for that matter) can confirm otherwise, I'm going to go ahead and assume that it is the hosted 3D scene layer object that does not support coded attribute domain values. Clearly the popup for a hosted feature layer extruded in the scene viewer does/continues to support coded value attribute domains, just as in 2D.



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Frequent Contributor

If interested: It would appear that an attribute domain description values do not appear in 3D scene layer objects (hosted) when the object is created from Pro with an underlying feature service:

}, {
 "fieldName": "lastupdate",
 "visible": true,
 "isEditable": true,
 "label": "LastUpdate"
 "type": "fields"
 "expressionInfos": []
 "disablePopup": false,
 "store": {

 As shown, no "fields" array is created containing the fields info and coded value domain info pairs. 

But when the same object is created from a scene layer package and then unpacked, the fields array does appear with the fields info and value pairs:

}, {
 "fieldName": "LastUpdate",
 "visible": true,
 "isEditable": true,
 "label": "LastUpdate"
 "type": "fields"
 "expressionInfos": []
 "disablePopup": false,
 "fields": [{
 "name": "OBJECTID",
 "type": "esriFieldTypeOID",
 "alias": "OBJECTID"
 }, {
 "name": "BLDGHEIGHT",
 "type": "esriFieldTypeSingle",
 "alias": "Builiding Height"
 }, {
 "name": "EAVEHEIGHT",
 "type": "esriFieldTypeSingle",
 "alias": "Eave Height"
 }, {
 "name": "ROOFFORM",
 "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
 "alias": "Roof Form",
 "domain": {
 "type": "codedValue",
 "name": "RoofFormTypes",
 "description": "Valid Roof Form Types",
 "codedValues": [{
 "name": "Flat",
 "code": "Flat"
 }, {
 "name": "Shed",
 "code": "Shed"
 }, {
 "name": "Gable",
 "code": "Gable"

Just thought I'd pass this along.  I can also say that I want to figure this out because I cannot create scene layer (hosted) from a 3d scene layer package in our 10.7.1 Enterprise Tile Cache Store data store if the package is over 10mB.  There's a bug somewhere and so I can't fully test our 3D workflows.

I am able to publish large 3d scene layer packages directly to ArcGIS Online.

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