Hello. I'm making a Web App of a linguistic map of Ireland.
When I load the map ( https://globalnewsmap.maps.arcgis.com/apps/mapviewer/index.html?webmap=d4ccb3843479425bbb92f0ae85070... ) on Web Appbuilder, its polygons' colors are not properly imported. Instead all of them are shown as black.
Is there anyone who can assist me with this issue?
The original map
The map shown in Web Appbuilder
How/where was it styled originally?
If you are using Web App Builder, you should do all your maps/styles/etc. in Map Viewer Classis.
You are using vector symbols either defined in Pro or in Map Viewer. These symbols are not supported in older clients like Map Viewer Classic or Web App Builder. You will need to use experience builder or instant apps.