I made a Web App that I shared publicly, but when I share it with people, it requires them to login.
I've made sure to enable 'Anonymous Access' and set all the layers to Public, but it still requires a login.
Map in question: https://duoiapyz6orbbcar.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/media/index.html?appid=8a835a53926040cda036c4d...
Layer 1: https://services8.arcgis.com/83kWpQ6ZMWkMqpij/arcgis/rest/services/sep4thcms/FeatureServer/0
Yup, everything is toggled on that page, along with the layers and app
Yes, along with the app and layers
Make sure your basemap is open to the public as well.
@sjeffs24 are you using esris default basemap gallery? If so, you don't need to make the basemap public as it already is.
Urmmm, just to triple check, the "webmap" I asked you to send a link for is also share publicly isn't it?
Yes, everything is set to public
And you're using the esri basemap gallery? Or have you created your own basemap group and set that as your default gallery?
Perhaps make a new web map and send us the link to check?
Map: https://arcg.is/1XzDnr0
App: https://duoiapyz6orbbcar.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/minimalist/index.html?appid=bfcb6e0bca064a8a98...
Still does the same thing, I even checked the layers/map in the Gallery and it says its public
@sjeffs24 that's an app, not a map. Sorry, just to be clear on terminology,
- Features and basemaps go into a web map, and web maps go into an app.
Im suggesting you create a brand new map, drop the layers in, save as a new map and share that publicly and check.
What am I missing except the app?