I made a Web App that I shared publicly, but when I share it with people, it requires them to login.
I've made sure to enable 'Anonymous Access' and set all the layers to Public, but it still requires a login.
Map in question: https://duoiapyz6orbbcar.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/media/index.html?appid=8a835a53926040cda036c4d...
Layer 1: https://services8.arcgis.com/83kWpQ6ZMWkMqpij/arcgis/rest/services/sep4thcms/FeatureServer/0
hmmm that really is very strange. can you try adding the layers to a classic web map rather than the new web map and then send us the link to that one? Just wandering if the new map viewer has some default setting in it that references unshared components of your site