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Visualizing overlapping point data in ArcGIS online.

04-01-2024 01:19 AM
Labels (2)
Emerging Contributor

Hi everyone I have a question about visualizing overlapping point data in ArcGIS online.

Hypothetical dataset

Latitude Longitude City Activity Manager Funding Owner

-1.286436.8172NairobiWindTom$2,150,000Simba Energy
-1.286436.8172NairobiHydroAarav$3,780,000Rafiki Power
-1.286436.8172NairobiSolarSakura$1,920,000Mwangaza Energy
-1.286436.8172NairobiTransmissionLiam$1,650,000Jua Grid
-1.286436.8172NairobiWindEmma$2,300,000Pamoja Energy
-1.286436.8172NairobiHydroNoah$3,250,000Nyota Power

We have data that was collected at the city level. We want to create a webmap showing unique activities per city and the attribute information. The main issue is that the lat long overlap with one another due to data collection format.
- Creating individual layers is not suitable for this product nor using filtering options as the users want to see all activity types when they view a municipal boundary.
- generate unique points or icons with offset from the city center point.
- 1 icon per activity
- Pop up window which can scroll through activity theme.
- For example if a city nairobi has 4 activities of hydro there would be a single icon and then a pop up window or sidebar to scroll through it.
- Do everything through ArcGIS online. The goal is that users can upload survey results and refresh the map. So processing in ArcGIS pro is a potential solution but not automatic.

Can this be done using Arcade scripts?
Screenshot 2024-04-01 at 10.44.36 AM.png

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1 Reply
Esri Notable Contributor

Have you looked into clustering?  This would aggregate these features together and you could generate an overall cluster popup and then browse the individual features within the cluster. 



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