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Vector Tile Package usage data

12-30-2022 11:29 AM
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Frequent Contributor

In 2022 we began replacing our raster tile basemaps with vector tile basemaps. Unfortunately, we have created many trial versions and variations of our basemaps and we now have a long list of vector tile services hosted in AGOL.  Has anyone created a script or Notebook to collect a list of all the vector tile packages with their storage size and usage statistics?  I would like to make sure a vector tile package has not been used recently before I choose to delete it.



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6 Replies
Regular Contributor

Thanks @berniejconnors  for posting this query. Did you get any resolution or are you still looking for a solution?

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MVP Notable Contributor

I have had good success with the Python found on this ideas post.


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Regular Contributor

@RhettZufelt  You shared link to search for dependencies, both maps and apps . This does not provide insights to get usage of hosted vector or raster layers

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MVP Notable Contributor

You are correct.  Guess I was thinking that you could find out what web maps are using the tile package in question.  Then you can easily look at the item details for the webmap to see how recently/often it has been used.

Hard to tell usage info for a tile package, but not so for the webmaps consuming them.

It was a solution for me to thin out derelict basemaps.

Just a thought,


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Unfortunately no - I have not found a solution for this.

Frequent Contributor

I tried looking at a credit report in AGOL.  The report listed "views" but it was for views of the item details page for the Vector tile basemap - not views of the vector tiles.