Hi all,
i'd like to know kindly how can i upload the image, saved in a folder of my pc, of each point layer in a Shortlist Application.
I noticed this functionality and i set the field which contains the folder path in my pc, but it doesn't work:
How can i upload, in one shot, the images associated with all the points layer?
Thanks so much for the support.
Hi PieroPeppucci,
Thank you for your question. To clarify, are you looking for a way to load images (in bulk) as attachments to their corresponding points within the feature layer?
Hi Matthew,
thanks for the reply. Yes, i'm looking for a way to load images (in bulk), saved in a folder of my pc, associating them in all the corresponding points of the layer in the shortlist.
Hi Piero,
Currently, there is no direct way to accomplish the desired workflow in ArcGIS Online. Adding or updating attachments in ArcGIS Online needs to be completed manually for each individual feature in a feature class. Please refer to the following link for further details FAQ: Is it possible to batch add attachments to ArcGIS Online feature services? (esri.com).
However, if you have access to ArcGIS Pro, the Add Attachments Geoprocessing tool can be used to achieve the desired result. This tool adds attachments to the target dataset using a match table that dictates for each input record (or an attribute group of records) the path to a file to add as an attachment to that record. Please see the following link for more information Add Attachments (Data Management)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation