Hi all,
I'm trying to replicate the code published by ESRI in https://developers.arcgis.com/python/sample-notebooks/updating-features-in-a-feature-layer/ . In the link example, they use point geometry, but in my case I’m trying to update polygon geometry. I have updated the code to work with polygon geometry but I’m receiving the following error "None of [Index([('SHAPE',)], dtype='object')] are in the [columns]", which is related to the input geometry line in my code.
my code is
# complete the updates
from arcgis import geometry #use geometry module to project the records
from copy import deepcopy
for cr_id in overlap_rows['cr_id']:
# get the feature to be updated
original_feature = [f for f in all_features if f.attributes['cr_id'] == cr_id][0]
feature_to_be_updated = deepcopy(original_feature)
# get the matching row from the update layer ()
matching_row = CRID_New_ly_FS2.where(CRID_New_ly_FS2.cr_id == cr_id).dropna()
#get geometries in the destination coordinate system
input_geometry = {'rings': float(matching_row[[['SHAPE']]])}
output_geometry = geometry.project(geometries = [input_geometry],
in_sr = CRID_Old_FS.spatial_reference['wkid'],
out_sr = CRID_Old_FS.spatial_reference['latestWkid'],
gis = gis1)
# assign the updated values
feature_to_be_updated.geometry = output_geometry[0]
feature_to_be_updated.attributes['cr_id'] = int(matching_row['cr_id'])
feature_to_be_updated.attributes['C31013'] = matching_row['C31013'].values[0]
feature_to_be_updated.attributes['big_shape'] = matching_row['big_shape'].values[0]
feature_to_be_updated.attributes['site_name'] = matching_row['site_name'].values[0]
feature_to_be_updated.attributes['awh_stage'] = int(matching_row['awh_stage'])
feature_to_be_updated.attributes['awh_package'] = int(matching_row['awh_package'])
# #add this to the list of features to be updated
Any suggestions?
many thanks
did you check the nesting depth in
input_geometry = {'rings': float(matching_row[[['SHAPE']]])}
throw a print statement in to see if you are getting the appropriate content
Hi Dan,
Thanks for your reply.
I think your comment triggered me to print every step in my code and I think the problem reside in the dictionary format resulted from the "input_geometry" line code.
The matching_row is a record, which contains the SHAPE attribute. So the code should be
input_geometry = {'rings': matching_row['SHAPE']}. However, printing one record, will produce the ploygon geometry {"rings": [[[-149459.83432124555, 6834762.7625... }Name: SHAPE, dtype: geometry. The problem is how to access the dictionary values of [[[]]]?
The following code snippet should work.
You just need to change the layer names and variables accordingly.
from arcgis import geometry #use geometry module to project the records
from copy import deepcopy
original_item = gis.content.get("item_id")
original_layers = original_item.layers
fLyr = original_item.layers[0]
fset = fLyr.query()
new_item = gis.content.get("item_id")
new_fLyr = new_item.layers[0]
new_fset = new_fLyr.query()
new_fset_features = new_fLyr.query().features
new_flayer_rows = new_fset.sdf
features_to_be_added = []
template_hostedFeature = deepcopy(fset.features[0])
for index, row in new_flayer_rows.iterrows():
feature_to_be_updated = deepcopy(template_hostedFeature)
input_geometry = new_fset_features[index].geometry
output_geometry = geometry.project(geometries = [input_geometry],
in_sr = fset.spatial_reference['wkid'],
out_sr = fset.spatial_reference['latestWkid'],
gis = gis1)
# assign the updated values
feature_to_be_updated.geometry = output_geometry[0]
feature_to_be_updated.attributes['cr_id'] = int(row['cr_id'])
feature_to_be_updated.attributes['C31013'] = row['C31013'].values[0]
feature_to_be_updated.attributes['big_shape'] = row['big_shape'].values[0]
feature_to_be_updated.attributes['site_name'] = row['site_name'].values[0]
feature_to_be_updated.attributes['awh_stage'] = int(row['awh_stage'])
feature_to_be_updated.attributes['awh_package'] = int(row['awh_package'])
# #add this to the list of features to be updated
original_layers[0].edit_features(adds = features_to_be_added)
I hope that's helpful.