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Unable to Update existing features using Append

12-02-2020 03:36 AM
Frequent Contributor

Despite following the guidance I have been unable to update existing features using Append data to layer from the Updata data button. I have tested this with multiple hosted feature layers, each with a unique ID field defined (see screenshot) . I have tried appending from csv, xlsx and zipped shapefiles but in all cases, the update existing features option is greyed out (see attached screenshot). The guidance suggests that the enable sync option has to be disabled, which it is. The fields also match exactly. Can anyone give ideas as to why I am unable to use this tool as intended? 


6 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Did you ever find a solution for this?

We are experiencing the same issue with "Update Data" grayed out and only "Append data to layer" available.

Tried turning off all the Editing boxes (Enable editing, Keep track, Enable Sync) in Settings > Save, but that still doesn't change  the "Update Data" option being grey out.

New Contributor

This is still a problem for me too.

Occasional Contributor

I'm also having this problem. Any workarounds or solutions yet? I also tried unchecking the Sync, but the Update Existing Features is still greyed out 18 hours later.

Occasional Contributor

I found a workaround! Under the Feature Layer settings, you also should uncheck "Keep track of changes to the data (add, update, delete features)." Worked after saving and refreshing the overview page.

I figured it out by comparing the settings on a feature layer that I could still update data on and the one that wasn't working. I don't know why keeping track of the editor messes things up, but it does.

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Emerging Contributor

I have tried this as well, but I did not manage to get it working. Does it work for all you WFL's this way?

Emerging Contributor

I figured out why it was not working for me. The WFL was shared with a group which has "Shared Update". Once I removed the WFL from this group, I was able to use the Append-tool with the Update checkmark. This is not very well documented int he ArcGIS information database.

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