We have a large data collection project with attachments (more than 500 000 ) and we can't downloaded it as a file geodatabase ..
Please is there a method other than the below to download this large dataset from AGOL as a file geodatabase?
Have you tried this? https://support.esri.com/en/technical-article/000014156
yes but it takes more than 5 hours and does not show the download link..
Only other thing that has worked for me on large layers is to use 'create' in the managers module and specify download - https://developers.arcgis.com/python/api-reference/arcgis.features.managers.html#arcgis.features.man...
Do you have ArcGIS Pro? Find the hosted feature layer in Catalog > Portal, Add to Map, then from the Map Contents, right-click Data > Export Features. Takes a while, possible hours, but works.