I am trying to create views for 9 layers. Even though enable editing is turned on, I am still unable to edit in the map viewer and in field maps. I am still able to edit the original layers just fine and I am able to view the REST API for all layers so I don't believe the layers are at all corrupted.
Is there any workarounds to this that doesn't involve republishing all 9 layers that are actively being used with sync enabled.
Did you turn on "Enable editing" in the layer's Properties dialog in the map viewer?
Can you query the views as expected? Also, are the views empty, or does a query actually return records?
Did you create the views using the web interface, or using the REST or Python APIs?
View was created from the source hosted feature layer main page. View is not empty, it contains the 2 features that are supposed to be there. I can also query just fine (query by site ID name) using the REST service.
There's a bug I know of that can happen if you create a view on an empty service but from what you're describing it doesn't sound like that (you wouldn't be able to query).
I also tried to create a view using a hosted feature layer with almost 2000 records and I experienced the same issue. 😫
Have you checked whether the fields themselves are editable?
Yes, all fields within the source layer are editable. The source layer is being used in a different web map for field maps and a Web AppBuilder application with zero issues.
Did you check that in the hosted views also?