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I think I'm misunderstanding something basic. I was told "add data" was not where you actually upload a data source for the builder tool, and I discovered the which has an "add" button and a CSV option, but it appears to be not possible to upload a file and when I serve the file externally paste the URL in the link box it says: "Service error The layer cannot be added to the map."
Any idea how to add data that exists in a CSV file?
You should add the csv to ArcGIS Online ( You can find instructions for adding a CSV here: and an example in lesson here:
Once your csv has been added as a layer, use that layer to create and save a map in ArcGIS Online. The same lesson above will help you with this step.
Finally, use ArcGIS Experience Builder ( to display the map in a custom web experience. You can learn how to use Experience Builder in this lesson: