Hi, I am wondering if anyone managed to display transformed coordinates in pop-ups using Arcade?
How can I for each point in a point layer in ArcGIS Online display a label or in a pop-up the coordinates for the point in another coordinatesystem. Basically I want to do a transformation from EPSG 3857 to EPSG 3006.
It doesnt have to be Arcade, but feels like it would be the best option. Anyone have a solution for that?
I have seen this one https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-online-questions/change-transform-geometry-in-expression/m-p/55... but I am not sure about the formula from 3857 to 3006..
I doubt it, the online expressions are super basic.
I usually have to make separate attributes for whatever coordinate system i need and do the conversion in Python, FME, or whatever. 😞
My solution is to create all my maps, basemaps, data, etc. in the State Plane reference so any/all coordinates populate without conversion.
Were you able to figure this out? I am embarking on this as well. I would love to do it as a calculated form expression in arcade. I need to do a seven parameter transformation so this may need to be done on the backend.
No sorry, I stopped looking into this actually. So no solution yet. I guess the best shot is to do it server-side instead of utilizing Arcade.
Actually did a workaround, used Notebooks and ArcPy to schedule updates of the transformation and store as attributes instead.
Cool. I am getting more and more acquainted with ArcPy so I will have to explore this option when I get to that level.