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There has to be a quicker way - color scaled mapping

11-21-2023 06:57 PM
New Contributor

I'm a student completing a project and at this point, I'm way over my head, never used ArcGIS or much of anything data science-y, so I'm really struggling. I'm using census data to create a map of Chicago community areas colored from highest to lowest rate of occurrence, I have the data in excel and have assigned conditional formatting to it, creating a color scale for each community area, now how do I assign a style to the map so that I don't have to handpick hex codes for all 77 areas? 

This is very vague but I'm not sure how to explain it better.

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3 Replies
Esri Alum

Have you tried using counts and amounts and then pointing it to your rate field? In the example below my rate field is % Housing Units Occupied. To further specify colors and ramp settings, click Style Options:


If you're still stuck, seeing a screenshot might help to further address your question.

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New Contributor

So I have, for example, disability per capita for each of the community areas, I just would have to know how to add that as a field, probably within the geojson file of community areas, and I'm not sure how to do that, at least not efficiently.

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Esri Alum

It sounds like the field you want to symbolize on isn't yet a field, but provided you can calculate it using existing fields in your layer, you can do this directly in the web map symbology.

Click "+ Expression" at the top under "Choose Attributes". From there, you calculate the disability per capita which you can then symbolize on.

This storymap describes an example, see the Rate section:

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