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Symbology, field value corruption when uploading ArcGIS Pro map to to AGO

11-22-2023 07:58 AM
Labels (1)
Honored Contributor

Alright, I'm stumped with this one. I uploaded a map with a few local layers to ArcGIS Online. When I look at the data from the item detail page, it looks fine. When I open my map, though, the values in the field are not what they are in Pro nor the data tab of the item detail page. Instead, they've been replaced with three of the symbol class labels from Pro:



I first caught the issue when I was trying to reproduce the symbology in AGO by using a decode Arcade function. It kept coming out to 'other' for everything, so I took a peek at the field, and sure enough, the values were not matching what I was typing. The values here should be "Status\Existing", "Status\New in 2023", and "Status\Proposed", not "Bike Lane", "Access Path", and "Proposed"

I do not have My Esri privileges at my organization so I can't report this bug (if it's a bug) so I thought I would at least put this here. I feel that I may have actually reported this bug a long time ago; and if so, how has the fix taken this long?

If I remove and re-add the layer, the field values are fine.


This is quite undesirable, though, because now I've destroyed all the symbology that I created in Pro so as to avoid having to do this in the browser.

1 Reply
Esri Notable Contributor

Can you share the map and layer that is showing this? thanks!