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Table Widget in new Map Viewer

07-18-2022 06:23 AM
Labels (3)
Occasional Contributor

Really wish I hadn't started with the new map viewer and building a "web experience". I have added the table widget to a collapsible panel, however I only want to display the attribute table(s) of the visible layers is this possible?

Last question of the day as it is getting to hot to work


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3 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

Is this a question about Map Viewer or another app? The table component in Map Viewer is available for operational layers > show table and we have a separate TOC for tables as well. Both use the same Overflow Menu > Show Table option. 




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Occasional Contributor

Sorry for the delay getting back to you got caught up with something else. It is the table widget in a web experience that I am struggling with. I simple want the attribute table to be available for the visible layers rather than always available if I add it as a sheet.



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Esri Notable Contributor
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