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Swapping Source of Hosted View layer

11-14-2023 04:43 AM
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Emerging Contributor

I have a view which users will connect to.  This view will take data from either service A or service B depending on update cycle.  The users will not see A or B they only see the view. If view is connected to A and I have new data I will update B and swap the view over to B, and vice versa next month.

I hope this is clear I have done this will several other views and it works fine except with 1 view which when I swap it from A to B, the view displays the new data in B and the REST endpoint shows it is pointing to B but the details page in ArcGIS online and the settings page for the view does not update and continues to say that the view is based on data in A.  As the users don't see the underlying services this isn't a big issue but it is a bit of a problem when I go to swap it back to A. When I click swap source, because it (mistakenly) thinks it is connected to A it doesn't give A as an option in the list of data sources to swap to, it is only offering me to swap to service B which it is already connected to in the background!

Does anyone have any ideas why the swap source is not coming through to the ArcGIS online interface and would there be a way in the background to push it through?

Thanks for your help,




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Frequent Contributor

Hey there @DeirdreSmyth , I've hit exactly the same problem using the Swap Source option on a hosted feature layer view.  It's the first time I've used this functionality and it's not worked as I expected.  I have exactly the same problem where I've used the Swap Source function to update my View, the updated data is displaying correctly but the details page in AGOL continues to say that it's connected to the original dataset.

I'm reaching out in the hope that you've maybe found a workaround to this problem?

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