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split map added from ArcGIS online

11-10-2010 04:47 AM
New Contributor
Sometimes i add maps from ArcGIS online. But the map often contains much more data than my need. Is there any way to reduce or extract data from larger, more complex data sets? For example, there is a map which presents public land surveys of the United States, but i only want to get the part of Maryland, not the whole country. How can i do it?
Thank you.
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2 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor
In general, there is no way to clip the data. However, depending on what application you are using to create your maps, it is possible to restrict the display to a particular area.

In the map viewer, there is no way currently to restrict the visible extent of the data. In ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap) it is possible to restrict the extent of the data frame to a specified extent. Thus, a user wouldn't be able to zoom out past your area of interest. There is a property on the data frame that sets this.

Hope this helps,

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New Contributor
Thank you very much, Mike. I am a newer for ArcGIS, your information is valueable to me. It helps a lot.
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