I believe the time zone property affects the layer as a whole.
You can optionally enable time on the layer based on an individual field, which allows the features to display according to their time when you draw features base on their time.
Hi Mike,
I have the same issue with time, it displays 4 hours behind in AGOL. I changed the time zone in Arc Map but it doesn't change anything in my web map. However I see the changes in map server.. Any ideas? THANK YOU!
Arc Map:
Where is this service running (hosted or your own server) and did you publish the service with the time zone set?
Without any time zone configuration, ArcGIS Online assumes all time is stored in UTC. Thus, when displayed in the Map Viewer of ArcGIS Online, time values will get adjusted based on your offset from UTC. To avoid this, you need to publish data (either hosted or to on premises portals) with the appropriate time zone or ensure time values are in UTC.
If you have published to your local server and you're consuming the service in ArcMap, ArcMap doesn't make the same assumption about the time zone and just displays the value stored without offset.
Hope this helps,
Thank you Mike! My mistake was that I was publishing map service. It worked when I published it as a feature server
Map service or feature service, that really shouldn't make a difference. Perhaps the second time when you published the feature service, you had set the time zone before publishing?
Yes. The other time I was overwriting the map service after changing the time zone
Yes, this is the web browser shifting time from UTC. Are you 4 hours from UTC?
In ArcMap, you can set the timezone for a layer from the Layer Properties dialog, Time tab.
Just saw a similar post about Time issues elsewhere and thought I'd throw this out there. We had a similar problem with our Parcel data (sale dates) being shown as the wrong date and time. The fix for us was to go to ArcMap (10.2.2) to the Time tab in Layer Properties and enable Time. Select the appropriate field for your date/time value and then set your local Time Zone. Then when you publish to AGOL, you'll have the correct date and time zone.
Hope this helps.
I found these suggestions for formatting dates to display correctly in AGOL:
Work with fields—ArcGIS Online Help | ArcGIS
To account for the UTC-to-local-time-zone conversion, here are a few tips: