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Snapping in new Map Viewer

06-09-2021 05:35 AM
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Emerging Contributor

I know in Map View Classic you can hold the CRTL key down to snap features.  This does not seem to be the case in the new version of Map Viewer. Is there snapping capabilities available?


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9 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Looks like Snapping (Editing) is not yet available in the new Map Viewer. According to ArcGIS Online Map Viewer Roadmap , this feature should be coming soon (Summer/Fall 2021).

Think Location
Emerging Contributor

Here it is 2022 and we still don't have snapping and layer copy/save...

Occasional Contributor
Why? Why ESRI- Don’t drop the ball on your development plan. Contrary to your belief SNAPPING is a critical function for BOTH the portable field map app AND the Web Viewer. If you didn’t have it ready then don’t take the “BETA” label off it. Come on we’re waiting. Get the NEW VIEWER completely done!
Occasional Contributor

Which is really ridiculous. We waited for 4-5 years to get snaps in classic and in the field app and they released it out of beta before snaps were in the web map. I really can't understand the logic. They release a version that fully supports attribute rules in Feature services, all the way through to the field (although it then CAN't be used in ArcMap) , but they leave out snapping? one of the biggest items in out of system editing....come on Jack! Get on the ball to see what you sub-level managers are doing in their development timeline...

New Contributor

I just switched to the new map viewer and noticed this too.  This is beyond ridiculous.  Taking away a feature that you just added and was helpful to a large number of users.  I cannot understand the logic here.

Occasional Contributor

Oh believe me there are a LOT of issues and functionality which do not sync between the two. Book marks are another big one. When a predetermined bookmark saved in a map is deleted in the webmap and the map is resaved. It majorly screws up the Zoom to function on the field app messing up the order of the ZOOM TO location capability on the Field Map App in Ipad IOS

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Emerging Contributor

Is snapping functionality still not available for the new Map Viewer? I keep being told that Esri's likely to phase out the classic viewer soon, but the new one isn't very useful without snapping...

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Emerging Contributor

I asked this question prematurely. It appears that snapping is now functional. 

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Emerging Contributor


I am wondering how did you manage to enable the snapping? Holding the 'ctrl' button is not helping. 

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