I'm trying to create a web map showing locations where images were taken as well as direction the camera was point in. I've been able to produce this effect in QGIS by setting the marker symbol to an arrow and rotating the symbol with the "direction" stored in the exif data. Below is a screenshot of the effect I'm looking for from QGIS.
In Arcgis I've been able to import the photos using CONTENT>ADD ITEM and importing the zipped folder containing the photos. How do I go about rotating the symbol? Is this done by adding a new expression in the "Change Style" dropdown?
Hi, I know it's been a long time but I thought I'd point out that in ArcGIS Pro, you can rotate arrows or other symbols by clicking the "Vary symbology by attribute" icon at the top of the Symbology pane. Then you expand the Rotation section and you can select a field from the layer's attribute table containing the angle of rotation.
Hope that's helpful to someone!