Hi everyone,
I'm a new ArcGIS user and I'm experiencing a problem where I'm trying to share an ArcGIS Pro map that I exported to the browser site. Even though I set the map to be shared Publicly, meaning people outside of my organization have access, I've found that opening the map still requires a login. I've tried changing the URL to remove my organization but that doesn't help. Can someone help me share this map publicly without having to use a log-in? Thanks!
The map in question is https://arcg.is/1O9D8K0
The fact that the map begins to load and suddenly stops suggests that one of the layers within the map is not publicly shared. Check the layers in your map and verify that they are all shared the same way as the map.
Hi Josh,
That could definitely be the problem. Do you have any advice on how to share the layers of my map or make sure that they're already shared in the same way? As in, do I have to do that thru ArcGIS Pro or just the WebMap? Thanks!
I'd do it through the web map. Usually when you attempt to edit the sharing settings in the web map, it will check the included layers to see that everything is shared similarly. You can also go to each Item's page to change the sharing there.
I don't actually know if you can change the sharing settings from Pro.
I had the same issue, all the layers are public, but whoever used the link was still prompted to the log-in page. As mentioned in the chat below, it is likely because we are using the "developers' base map layer", so going to your map and changing your base map will help.
I changed mine to an Open Street Map (OSM). Did the charm. After the publicly available link is created (the one that will not prompt people to log in), I changed it to any other base maps. It did not ask for login information again.
Side Note: if your sharing link still contains your user name in it (i.e. https://John.Smith123/....), then it means that whoever uses that link will be prompted to the login page. When it's truly shared, the link would change to https://www.arcgis.com/.....
Chunfu Liu
Great advise here, I was stuck at something similar but changing basemap from world imagery to osm did the job, after adding osm, add world imagery in basemap, now move osm from basemap to layer and just hide it.
This worked for me too, thank you!