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Sharing layers from internal Portal to AGO and external partners

01-24-2024 09:03 AM
Frequent Contributor


We have a few layers within our internal Portal that we would like shared out to external parties. Our Portal and these layers are also behind our firewall. I've shared them to a distributed collaboration between our Portal and our AGO environment where the layers are set to copy (not reference). I can view the layers in AGO when within our network but cannot when off the network. Am I missing something that would enable these layers to be viewed or is this a greater firewall issue? Any help is appreciated. 


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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Enterprise to Enterprise isn't something Portal or AGO does well at all. 

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Can you double-check that the AGO copies are actually copies? Go into the item details and see what URL it's pointing at. It sounds like the AGO versions are still trying to reference the data, if you can only view them on-network.

- Josh Carlson
Kendall County GIS