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Search widget in ArcGIS Online - issues since November 22 update

12-09-2022 09:01 AM
Regular Contributor


The search widget has been modified to use full text indexes in the November update of ArcGIS Online and since then, doesn't work as it should in existing maps. Searches with 'contains' work as 'starts with' or just don't return anything.

This is supposed to be solved by saving the map so it's upgraded and takes advantage of the new search function. I could successfully do this with a few maps, but not all.

Another way is to use the addToDefinition method on the REST point of the hosted feature layer. I've encountered 2 issues with this option:

1. this method doesn't work if the layer has related views (see map 'Erfgoed' and layer 'Domein', search is set on field 'Domein' with keyword 'Contains').

2 even if the full text index is added, the search still doesn't work properly (see map 'PFAS' and layer 'domein_PFAS', search is set on field 'Domein' with keyword 'Contains').

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6 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

I tossed a sample copy of a Domein search can you see if that now works as you expect? It has an index on the layer.

For my cases I am able to create FT indexes on a layer when it has a view and through the view layer map.

Here is a sample of the search I created. I commented on the case ticket not sure if that goes through to you.



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Regular Contributor

It works indeed with 'domein_centroid_ PFAS (points), but my search is on 'domein_PFAS' (the polygons) and it still doesn't work... is it related to the geometry type??? The layers I could successfully update are all lines.

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Esri Notable Contributor

Nope I was able to copy and create an index on that one too with the copy I made of it. Can you drop the polygon one into a new temporary map and create a search off of it?



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Regular Contributor

I've added the layer to a new map, also saved the layer as a new layer and added it to a new map. In both cases the search works as 'starts with' instead of 'contains':


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Esri Notable Contributor

Something might of happened when creating or manually adding the index to the definition. I commented on the support case for some info we will need to probably go in and remove & re-add. 

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Regular Contributor

Thanks for the follow up Russel, should I do anything?

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