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Search options resetting

11-02-2022 08:21 AM
Occasional Contributor

I have a webmap that I need search to only work on layer attributes, not on address locations.  Nearly every time I make edits to the map the search settings are reset and I need to add the 5 search layers back and remove the address checkbox.  Happened 4 times yesterday and was reset when pulling my work up this morning. 

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2 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

Few questions:

Where are you authoring the map?

What kind of changes are you making to the map?

Can you share the map showing the problem?

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Occasional Contributor

It's a map made from a feature layer from the Water Distribution Data Management solution. 

The only changes being made are modifications to offline settings, more troubles there.

I did removed the linked tables yesterday and the search settings seemed to have stayed put overnight so that's a good sign.

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