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Return any intersecting values from multiple intersecting layers

10-19-2023 03:49 PM
Labels (2)
Frequent Contributor

I have two layers I am intersecting with another third layer. I want to return any intersecting features from the two layers when the third layer is clicked. How can I achieve this? The current expression only returns intersecting values from the landslide layer and none from the flood layer even when an intersection is present.


var floodZone = FeatureSetByName($map, "SMMAR - FEMA Flood Zones");
var floodZonefeature = First(Intersects(floodZone, $feature));

var landslide = FeatureSetByName($map, "SMMAR - Landslide Area");
var landslideFeature = First(Intersects(landslide, $feature));

return landslideFeature["CA_MAP_LEGEND"] + ", " + floodZonefeature["TYPE"];






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