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Publishing many unique attributed rasters to ArcGIS Online, strategy needed!?

12-14-2022 11:12 PM
Frequent Contributor

Hi, our organization has several hundred separate attributed raster datasets, each containing different types of data (vegetation, wildlife models, etc.) that we need to get into ArcGIS Online as public layers, and ideally also shared publicly through our ArcGIS Hub/Open Data site.  There seems to be 2 ArcGIS products to help with this, which we both have:  1) ArcGIS Image for ArcGIS Online and 2) ArcGIS Image Server. In testing #1, its dynamic imagery option seems to work best, but public sharing is not allowed with that option (that is VERY disappointing Esri! I guess you want folks to buy and use ArcGIS Image Server to share publicly instead?) and also neither the tiled or dynamic services with #1 seem to work well in Hub/Open Data - no download option is offered for either!?  In testing #2 it seems to work best overall but requires a separate image service for each dataset - but doesn't ArcGIS Server (where ArcGIS Image Server resides) have a limit on the number of services it can handle, like only a few hundred? Thus, this does not seem ideal either.  We have been serving these rasters as raster layers in ArcGIS Server map services (many separate rasters per service), but they don't seem to be supported to feed into ArcGIS Online?  So, unless I'm missing something, there's no good solution for our needs?  One other annoyance is that there did not seem to be an easy way to translate the predefined symbology/color palette for each raster into the #1 or #2 service options - only approach I could find was to convert the symbology colors to RGB values and add them as separate R G B attributes to the attribute tables prior to publishing and then the R G B attributes are recognized in the service and will render the colors as default (kind of tedious and difficult to automate). Any thoughts or insights on better approaches appreciated, but overall it seems much improvement is needed with the serving of many pre-symbolized attributed raster datasets in ArcGIS Online and sharing them with ArcGIS Hub/Open Data, thanks. 

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1 Reply
Frequent Contributor

Correction - rasters served as raster layers in ArcGIS Server map services ARE supported in ArcGIS Online, but no query/identify functionality is available for attributed rasters, and minimal support for them in Open Data.  Initially I thought these raster layers weren't supported at all, but then discovered it was because our ArcGIS Server environment is quite old (10.5) so ArcGIS Online doesn't seem to recognize them, but then I tested in another ArcGIS Server 10.9.x environment and it worked.

Anyway, hoping for any additional feedback or suggestions from Esri or other users about these type of raster data workflows.

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