Problems with time aware feature service

01-04-2013 09:19 AM
New Contributor
Hi all and thanks in advance.

I am having a hard time getting a time aware feature service running on arcgis online.  I enable time aware on my data in arcmap, and set up the time window, but when I publish as a feature service the resulting service contains no data!  There are only 116 features, and the time slider works correctly in arcmap- the time slider even shows up in an online map with the service added- but the table for the service is empty.  Anyone else have a problem like this?
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17 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor
Can you share the URL to your service? You'll need to share the item publicly.


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Occasional Contributor
I cant share it publicly.  this is proprietary infrastructure data.
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Emerging Contributor
I too am having the same problems.

When I create a feature service including time enabled data from ArcGIS then the feature service that is created is blank when added to the AGOL map. However, the feature service thumbnail shows exactly what I would expect to see in the map!

If I disable the time settings, the features still do not display. The attribute tables are blank

Any suggestions?

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New Contributor
Same problems here. Time slider shows up in the map, but no features display. My Content thumbnail will display the time-aware features, but the map won't. Other feature services that are not time-aware services work just fine.

This appears to be a fairly common issue....
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Esri Notable Contributor
It may be that the features didn't load correctly in the feature service. Check this post to check if there are actually any features in your feature service.

The problem in the above case was the name used for the service.


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Deactivated User
I have the same problem as everyone else with publishing a time enabled point feature service from ArcMap 10.1. It says the layer is there but it will not render. If I publish the same dataset from Arc Map 10.1 as a feature service but not time enabled it will draw. It is a very large dataset with 48,000 records. Is that just too big to display even when only displaying at large scales?  I checked the features count with the query option and the count is 0.  This is the Rest URL
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Emerging Contributor

I had the same issue.  Converting my date field from long to date type fixed the issue.

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Regular Contributor

Hello...thanks Jarrod for posting.  I also experienced the same issue with a file geodatabase feature class published from ArcMap 10.4.1 to AGOL having zero records.  My initial time field was a short integer representing year (e.g. 2016).  I converted this into a Date field using the Convert Time Field tool in ArcMap, then enabled time on the layer from the properties by pointing to the new converted Date time field. Upon publishing this, I now had all time enabled records in AGOL.

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