Problem setup Portal for ArcGIS with Integrated Windows Authentication

10-27-2013 06:28 AM
New Contributor

i have been trying to setup Integrated Windows Authentication for my Portal for ArcGIS without success. Here's my configuration:

- Windows 2008 Server R2, IIS 7
- Portal for ArcGIS 10.2, unfederated, Web Adapter (IIS), default built-in users authentication

I followed the steps in the online resource:

When i login using the initial admin account via, i didn't see any AD users being populated in the user list - instead i still see the same default built-in users.

Are there any logs i can check if my connection to AD is established?
Are there any settings to look out for that are not mentioned in the resources?

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16 Replies
Occasional Contributor III
I've successfully enabled AD authentication on my portal.  This was one of the few steps I had little issue with throughout the setup process.

make sure you are clearing your local cache in your browser as well as restarting the portal server.  I had an issue when even after being prompted to enter my user name and password, it was still loading the cached page and acted like I wasn't signed in.
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Esri Contributor
I tried to clear cache and restart my portal.

But I can't.

I would like to see the successful example.
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Occasional Contributor III
I unfortunately can not share our portal, it's a private business, and security is of the utmost importance in our industry.

I would recommend contacting Esri Technical support if you have been unable to solve this on your own.  Sometimes it can be the simplest of things causing your problem, and the fresh set of eyes is always helpful.
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Esri Contributor

Please contact ESRI Tech Support if this continues to be an issue.

One question in the mean time....after updating the AD properties in C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Portal\etc\ and restarting portal, do you see the encrypted password? this would indicate that that portal was able to connect to the AD store using the connection information provided.


Please post a sample (fake values) of the properties that were set in this we can see if it looks ok.
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MVP Regular Contributor
I know this may be a silly question, but have you made sure that your LDAP section in the properties file is NOT commented out and that the built-in section IS commented out before restarting the service?  If you've modified the domain user account password (either at the domain level or within the properties file itself), please reset the encrypted value to 'false' before restarting the service.  It will be automatically changed to 'true' and the password encrypted once the service starts back up.
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New Contributor II
Has anyone found a solution to this for Portal 10.2?  I am having the same issue.
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Esri Contributor


I get the same probkem in Portal for ArcGIS 10.3

What ever I do (with the same or a different web Adaptor for the Portal), when I try to connect with my AD account, I get the message:

"Unable to sign you in to Portal for ArcGIS".

I followed all the instructions and repeated the process 3 times and still can't enter with my AD account or any other AD account.

Thanks a lot,


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