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PopUp in Arcgis Online

04-01-2022 02:47 AM
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

In the column “website” does not always contain a link to a website. If it is empty, the map will be restarted.
Is it possible to put a filter and/or query on this so that nothing happens or is linked. Or not show the text / link from the popup.

The link is Buurtadviseur 

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5 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

Hello Carlos,

Does the website link go to the same place each time?

Amanda Bishop, GISP
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Emerging Contributor


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MVP Regular Contributor

instead of using the field to display the URL links that are randomly working, create an expression with Arcade and then use that expression to display the link in the pop-up.  Below is a link to a tutorial on how to configure an expression (under the "use expressions" section) in the new map viewer and also a sample of my arcade code that builds an expression for a URL.  Hope this helps!

tutorial link: 

sample of arcade code I use to configure a expression for a URL:

'https:'+TextFormatting.ForwardSlash + TextFormatting.ForwardSlash+''

Amanda Bishop, GISP
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Emerging Contributor

first of all thanks for the answer. But I misread the previous question but the answer should have been NO.

The link is in the "website" column and is different for each shape or is empty. And when it's empty it's a problem. Hope it's clear now.

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MVP Regular Contributor

Is this data static or dynamic?  If its static, I would update the website field with empty attributes with a place holder text like "no website available" or something.  This should stop the behavior of the refresh when the feature is clicked.  If it is dynamic, you could write a script and schedule it to run after the dataset is updated.

Amanda Bishop, GISP
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