our account was suspended today due to we are with -1 credits

04-01-2017 04:47 AM
New Contributor

we are students. we are using this account from arcgis online and today was suspended de account.

the point is that we submit the next April 6. do you know how we can activate the account for 1 week? 

thank you.

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10 Replies
MVP Emeritus

talk to the course instructor, I suspect student credits are allocated through the main academic account.

New Contributor III

You will can add more credits in your ArcGIS Online user through your ArcGIS Online Administrator.

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New Contributor

ok i will try. could i add not more than 5 credits? i mean, i can´t pay for one huge pack of credits.

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MVP Emeritus

If it is an educational account... your ability to buy credits doesn't exist... at least in our institution.  Credits are managed by the academic institution.  Just check... see if you even have the option... you can bail at any time.

New Contributor III

You have two option depends your account, if your account is educational your administrator can gives more credits to your user or if you are work with a trial account you can not add more credits without buy them.

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New Contributor

ok. my account is trial. could you especify us with page can we pay for more credits.

thank you.

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New Contributor III

You have to contact your local Esri office.

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MVP Emeritus

Sounds like if you can't wait until Monday... you might have to 'trial account' again

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New Contributor

i will chat with my workgroup about that. thank you mates !!

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