I've embedded a non federated, secure REST within our AGO. I've stored the a password within AGO. It works fine. The only issue is when we try to create a offline map area. It will fail just on the secured REST. If it is embedded but not secure (public) it packages fine. I have ESRI looking into the issue but thought maybe someone has encountered. Here is the error we get on the backend.
What seems to be happening is that the username and password stored in AGO is not being passed in order to open the REST and package it.
I have ESRI working on the issues but thought I would throw it out here and see if anyone else has encountered it.
Thanks in advance
I've replace our URL with .... and xxx's 🙂
"paramName": "packages",
"dataType": "GPString",
"value": [
"source": "https://utility.arcgis.com/usrsvcs/servers/......................./rest/services/......................",
"error": "{\"code\": 32, \"messageCode\": \"OffPkg_ 32\", \"message\": \"Replica job https://.............../FeatureServer/jobs/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx encountered error {\\\"code\\\": 498, \\\"message\\\": \\\"Invalid Token\\\", \\\"details\\\": []}\", \"params\": {\"url\": \"https://......................./FeatureServer/jobs/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\", \"error\": \"{\\\"code\\\": 498, \\\"message\\\": \\\"Invalid Token\\\", \\\"details\\\": []}\"}}"
"source": "https://services.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/Elevation/World_Hillshade/MapServer",
"itemId": "71f53c4650704033a46dca305305b504",
"state": "new"
"source": "https://basemaps.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/World_Basemap_v2/VectorTileServer",
"itemId": "3a294d44da914bfb81a9be20890e0202",
"state": "new"
Did you manage to resolve this issue? I think we are experiencing a similar problem and are speaking with Esri at the moment to try and find a solution.
Yes it is still happening. We are at 10.9.1 and I believe we have to be at 11+ for the error not to occur. Folks can still create their own offline map but we can't use the functionality of pre creating offline maps.