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No layers appear in map display (ArcGIS Online Basics)

11-25-2024 08:21 AM
Labels (2)
Emerging Contributor

Hello, I'm attempting to complete the ArcGIS Online Basics training program. The program asks me to navigate to the layer, "Sierra Nevada snow and ice climbs AND owner:EsriTrainingSvc," and to add this layer to my map.

When  I click, +Add, I can see the Properties, Information, Symbology, Appearance, etc toolbars on the right side. However, nothing appears in the actual map. Blank space. I also searched for other layers on Living Atlas just to see if any would work, and none do.

I have cleared the cache.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

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4 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi @AaronCantu

This is working for me.


Can you include a screenshot or link to the map that is not working? 


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Emerging Contributor

Thanks, @EmilyGeo 

Here is a screenshot of my screen.

If it helps, my laptop attributes are: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7500U CPU @ 2.70GHz 2.90 GHz; 16 GB RAM

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Esri Contributor

Something does seem wrong there @AaronCantu. Is there a course instructor you can reach out to? If not, I recommend logging a ticket with support so they can help with troubleshooting the problem. Good luck! 

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Emerging Contributor

OK, thank you for your help.

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