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New map viewer showing point symbols in legend for line layer

03-02-2023 10:59 AM
Labels (1)
Honored Contributor

Recently updated my symbology for transit lines from Classic Symbols > Basic Shapes > Basic Line to Vector Symbols > Transportation > Highway. Looks great on the map, but now my legend just shows my routes as points, in which color is difficult to distinguish. Here's a before and after:




Am I missing a setting? Is this a bug? If I uncheck "adjust width automatically," they look fine in the legend, but that's not what I want. It's also not even retaining that checkmark in the box when I click Save.


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2 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

looking into this now  thanks for reporting.

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Esri Notable Contributor

This isn't a regression from the release and looks to be a bug in the API. If you want to have a ticket to track I would recommend logging a support ticket. 

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