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New map Viewer and Line Labels

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12-13-2021 07:10 AM
Labels (2)
Frequent Contributor

Hello All,

I see that there have been some recent updates to the new make viewer. One of those being the labels associated with line work. The amount of labels per line has been greatly reduced (thankfully). The issue now appears that the labels do not move when you zoom in and out. In my case I am referring to road names . Roads tend to be long and have the label "sit" in one spot doesn't help the user know where they are at when zooming around in a map. I have only noticed it so far in the AGOL webmaps I have not tried the new line work labeling in a webmap application yet. I'm I missing something? 

31 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Thanks @RussRoberts 👍

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Frequent Contributor

Hi @RussRoberts - the dynamic polygon labelling doesn't seem to be in yesterday's release (unless I'm missing something).  Can you update us on what's happening please?


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Esri Notable Contributor

Yup unfortunately it was unable to make this current release hopefully we can get this enhancement in for the next update while we work the the JS Maps SDK to get this in. 

Frequent Contributor

Thanks for the update @RussRoberts .  Fingers crossed it makes it in next time - the disappearing labels really confuse my users!

0 Kudos
Frequent Contributor

Hi @RussRoberts ,

Those are nice new updates but missing really basic possibilities which seems to be very obvious for us to support our work processes with online maps. Now workarounds must be used to achieve these.

Just a few in my opinion:

1. alignment  of labels (above, on, under ) line is not available anymore in new map viewer.

2. rotations of labels on line to get perpendicular labels --> a workaround:

  • Generate Transects Along Lines
  • join new feature class with line feature class and transfer necessary attribute information
  • publish transects line and apply simple labeling
    • overrun is helpful here because the transect lines can be short and labels will show when zoomed out.
  • update/changes in  line feature --> work around again

In ArcGIS Pro:



Basic in AGOL: 


After workaround:



3. start point (start, middle, end) of a label. this can help if you want to use multiple label classes and apply different style. In my workaround this would give the opportunity to show the X and O and align start and end. But now the labels will overlap.

4. Use of arcade/html tags like color font and font style. 




Esri Notable Contributor

1. Is planned for 2022

2. Is also planned to support horizontal or vertical label placement. This is not in the web map spec so it does not transfer from Pro to Web.

3. This one also planed in the later half of 2022

4. Is on our roadmap but not assigned a release just yet.

Esri Contributor

1. Is planned for 2022 

Is this still the case or has it been postponed?

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Esri Notable Contributor

It's been postponed and planned for 2023 release.

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Occasional Contributor

And the status of this one now? Doesn't seem to be in Enterprise 11.1.

Simple line label positions of on/above/below seems like a fairly fundamental mapping requirement.

Occasional Contributor

I would like to also ask when this is planned, it's frustrating that I am unable to set labels to run parallel to street centerlines, for example.